Kennedy Centre Budget Unit

Refurb of the old Budget DIY unit at the Kennedy Centre. The roof had been badly damaged using a digger and had to be infilled. We had to use KS1000RW sheets as the existing roof sheets were not available. New purlins were required, along with ridges and closure flashings. The roof was then treated at the overlaps using Giromax Seamsil 100. There had been a fire at the side of the building, which had damaged roof and wall sheets. These areas had to be cut out and replaced. The front elevation of the building, which was in extremely poor repair, was stripped and re-sheeted, using Kingspan KS1000MR wall panels and incorporating their “Wall Lites” to give as much natural light into the building as possible. Wall lites were also used to sheet the canopy at the front, which also had new curtain walling fitted. Old sheets from the front elevation were then used to effect repairs to the walls on other sections of the building.
Curleys Dungannon
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